Alejandra Bulla Buritica, M.A.

30167 Hannover
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Focus Points in Research and Teaching
Alejandra Bulla is a PhD-student in American Studies and she is a member of the research project "Hollywood Memories: Cinematic Remaking and the Construction of Global Movie Generations" (DFG-funded Emmy Noether Research Group)
Professional Career
since April 2022
Research assistant in American Studies, Leibniz University Hannover, as part of the project "Hollywood Memories: Remaking and the Contruction of Global Movie Generations."2019-2020
Internship in the research project VIOLIN at the FAU2019-2021
Spanish Language teacher at the VHS Erlangen -
August 2021
M.A. The Americas, University Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)Master Thesis: English Language Instruction in Colombia: A Critique of US Neocolonialism
December 2015
B.A. in Education with Emphasis in English, Universidad Francisco José de Caldas in Bogota, Colombia,Bachelor Thesis: Students' Perceptions in the Development of Lexical Awareness Through the Use of Word Games