Prof. Dr. Kathleen Loock

30167 Hannover

Appointment via Stud.IP
Focus Points in Research and Teaching
Kathleen Loock is a junior professor of American Studies and Media Studies. Her teaching focuses on U.S. popular culture, media theory, and American literary and cultural history. Her research is concerned with remakes, sequels, and reboots, seriality, and the role memory and cultural repetition perform on the levels of identity formation and for the construction and maintenance of imagined communities. Her book Kolumbus in den USA was published in 2014 with Transcript and she is currently finishing her second book Hollywood Remaking. She is director of the research group “Hollywood Memories: Cinematic Remaking and the Construction of Global Movie Generations” (funded by the German Research Foundation).
Since 2020
Professor of American Studies and Media Studies (W1 with tenure track to W2; first fast-track-to-tenure professorship), Leibniz University Hannover, successful interim evaluation and extension: November 2023Since 2020
Director of the Emmy Noether Research Group "Hollywood Memories: Cinematic Remaking and the Construction of Global Movie Generations", Leibniz University Hannover04/2020–11/2020
Parental leave2019
Offer of a junior professorship in American Studies, University Hamburg2019-2020
Associate Editor of Amerikastudien / American Studies, Europa-Universität Flensburg2018-2019
Dahlem Postdoc Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin, Graduate School of North American Studies2016-2018
DAAD P.R.I.M.E. Fellow (Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience), Freie Universität Berlin, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies / University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Communication Arts2013-2016
Postdoctoral Research Associate of the DFG Research Unit "Popular Seriality: Aesthetics and Practice," Freie Universität Berlin, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies2010-2013: Managing Coordinator of the DFG Research Unit "Popular Seriality: Aesthetics and Practice," University of Göttingen, English Department / American Studies2010
Assistant Professor (parental leave substitution), University of Regensburg, English Department / American Studies2009-2010
Assistant Professor, University of Göttingen, English Department / American Studies2007-2009
Research Associate and Lecturer, University of Göttingen, English Department / American Studies2005-2007
Student Research Assistant, University of Göttingen, English Department / American Studies2004-2006
Student Research Assistant, Max Planck Institute for History, Göttingen -
PhD (American Studies), University of Göttingen2003-2007
MA and First State Exam (English/American Studies and French), University of Göttingen2000-2002
Undergraduate Studies (English/American Studies, French, Spanish), University of Rostock -
Memberships and Offices
History of Moviegoing, Exhibition and Reception Network (HoMER)
German Association of American Studies (GAAS)
Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)
Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM)
International Video Essay Research Network (iVERN)
General Editor, In Progress: A Graduate Journal of North American Studies
Editorial Board, [in]Transition: Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Studies
Member of the Advisory Board:
- Screen Serialities (Edinburgh University Press book series)
- Contemporary Cinema (Brill book series)
Conference Organisation
Workshop: "Global Hollywood: Histories, Markets, Audiences" (Leibniz University Hannover, June 20-21, 2024)
Workshop: "Global Hollywood, Global Audiences" (Leibniz University Hannover, July 14, 2023)
Co-organized with Evelyn Kreutzer, Anna-Sophie Philippi and Maike Sarah Reinerth (Film University Babelsberg): Symposium "Videography: Art and Academia. Epistemological, Political and Pedagogical Potentials of Audiovisual Practices" (Volkswagen Stiftung, Castle Herrenhausen Hannover, November 2-4, 2022)
Workshop "Audience Research: Methods and Approaches" (Leibniz University Hannover, July 8, 2022)
Co-organized with Alan O'Leary (Aarhus University) and Maria Hofmann (University of Minnesota): Zoom Symposium "Interrogating the Modes of Videographic Criticism" (Aarhus University in Denmark, February 24-25, 2022)
Symposium "Videographic Criticism: Aesthetics and Methods of the Video Essay" (Acud-Kino Berlin, June 21, 2019)
Workshop "Remake Studies: New Methods and Approaches" (John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, October 25, 2018)
Co-organized with Maria Sulimma: Student Workshop "Postfeminism(s) in Popular Culture" (John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, July 6, 2018)
Co-organized with Julia Leyda and Alexander Starre: Student workshop "Cli‐Fi: The Dystopian Impulse of Contemporary Climate Fiction" (John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University Berlin / Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies Potsdam, IAAS, May 13, 2016)
International Conference: Popular Seriality (University of Göttingen, June 6-8, 2013)
Lichtenberg-Workshop "Popular Seriality" (University of Göttingen / Lichtenberg-Kolleg, June 8-9, 2012)
Coaching and Workshop for doctoral students of the Popular Seriality Research Unit (Akademie Waldschlösschen, Göttingen, January 2012)
Workshop series of the Popular Seriality Research Unit (University of Göttingen): with Prof. Dr. Jason Mittell (November 2011, January & February 2012); with Prof. Dr. Henry Jenkins (May 2012); with Prof. Dr. William Uricchio (April 2013)
Opening Conference of the Research Unit "Popular Seriality-Aesthetics and Practice" (University of Göttingen, April 6-8, 2011)
Interdisciplinary Conference "REMAKE │REMODEL: New Perspectives on Remakes, Film Adaptations and Fan Productions" (University of Göttingen, June 30-July 2, 2010)
Co-organized with Sonja Georgi (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz): Undergraduate Conference "Of Body Snatchers and Cyberpunks: American Science Fiction Films from the 1950s to the Present" (University of Göttingen, July 3-5, 2009)
Awards, Fellowships, and Grants
International Fellowship Initiative 2024 Distinguished Scholar, Nanjing University, China2020
DFG Emmy Noether Program2019
Shortlisted for the Adelio Ferrero Award - Video Essays2019
DAAD Conference Travel Grant (SCMS Conference 2019, Seattle, USA)2018
Scholarship in Sound & Image Workshop (Middlebury College),National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)2018
Dahlem Postdoc Fellowship, Dahlem Research School (DRS), Freie Universität Berlin2016-2018
DAAD P.R.I.M.E. Fellowship, Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience - Program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), with funds from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the EU's People Program (Marie Curie Actions); Freie Universität Berlin, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies / University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Communication Arts (USA)2014
Publication Grant, Graduate School of Humanities Göttingen (GSGG)2012
Fellowship of the Salzburg Global Seminar, American Studies Association Symposium "Resistance and Readiness: Immigration, Nativism and the Challenge of Ethnic and Religious Diversity in the US and Europe Today"2009-2010
DAAD Research Grant2008-2010: Travel Grants, Graduate School of Humanities Göttingen (GSGG); for conferences and workshops in Leiden (The Netherlands), Velden (Austria), Barcelona (Spain), Växjö (Sweden), and Pécs (Hungary)2008
Fulbright American Studies Institute, San Francisco State University2008
Research Grant, Library of the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin2008
Spring Academy, Heidelberg Center for American Studies -
International Research Experience
2018: Visiting Scholar, Nanjing University, School of Arts (China)
2016/2017: Visiting Scholar as DAAD P.R.I.M.E. Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Communication Arts, Media and Cultural Studies (USA)
2016: Research Stay, New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, New York (USA)
2015: Visiting Scholar, Columbia University, School of the Arts, Film Division (USA)
2014: Visiting Scholar, Monash University, School of Media, Film, and Journalism (Australia)
2014: Research Stay, Library of Congress, Washington D.C. / Harvard Film Archive, Cambridge, MA / New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, New York / Margaret Herrick Library, Los Angeles / UCLA Special Collections, Los Angeles (USA)
2010, 2009: Research Stays with DAAD Research Grant, Chicago History Museum, Chicago; New York Public Library, New York / American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA / Library of Congress, Washington D.C. / Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (USA)