Focus Points in Research and Teaching
Anna-Lena Oldehus is research and teaching assistant in American Studies. In her research she focuses on dimensions and modes of affective knowledges, bodies, sexualities and story-telling. In the past she has been teaching classes on American literature from the 1910s until today, on queer theory, queer of color critique and affect theory.
Professional Career
April 2018
ERASMUS Staff Mobility as a visiting lecturer at the University of Warsaw and the University of Wroclaw.Since March 2016
PhD Candidate in American Studies | Prof. Ruth Mayer
Working Title: “Feeling Matters - Queering Affect in Contemporary Transnational Literature.“Assistant in the American Studies Division of the English Department and Coordinator of the interdisciplinary study program "Gender Studies" at Leibniz University
April – Oktober 2015
Traineeship at the "Literarischen Salon" at Leibniz University HannoverApril 2014 – Februar 2016
Teaching Assistant in the American Studies Division at Leibniz UniversityOktober 2012 – März 2016
Student Assistant in the American Studies Division at Leibniz UniversityJanuar 2012 – August 2012
Teaching Assistant at the English and Modern Language Department, Angelo State UniversitySeptember 2011-August 2012
Student Assistant at the English and Modern Language Department, Angelo State University -
March 2016
M.A. at Leibniz University; MA Thesis: "Queer Spaces: Violence and Gender Norms in Junot Díaz's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao“October 2012 – March 2016
Studies at Leibniz University, Program: Master of Advanced Anglophone StudiesSeptember 2012
B.A. at Leibniz University; BA Thesis: "A Space for the Third Sex in Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood“Mai 2012
B.A. at the Angelo State University, TexasAugust 2011 – August 2012
Studies at the Angelo State University, San Angelo, TexasOctober 2008 – September 2012
Studies at Leibniz University, Englisch and Political Science -
Memberships and Offices
German Association for American Studies (GAAS/ DGfA)
Co-Speaker of the Diversity Roundtable at GAASSigma Tau Delta Honor Society for English Literature (Angelo State University)
Conference Organization and Research Trips
August – November 2018
Research Stay at the University of California, Berkeley (Sponsor: Dr. Nadia Ellis)Juni 2017
Part of the organizational team of the annual conference of the German Association for American Studies, “Modernities and Modernization in North America” at Leibniz University HannoverSeptember 2016
Summer School „Inside/ Outside: Queer Networks in Transnational Perspective“Februar – April 2015
Research Stay at the University of Texas at AustinMai 2014
Organization of the Meeting of Doctoral Candidates in American Studies at Northern German Universities, co-organized with Ilka Brasch, Florian Groß, and Kirsten Twelbeck -
Scholarships and Awards
Research Scholarship of the Humanities Facultry at Leibniz University HannoverFebruary 2015
German Academic Exchange Service
PROMOS Scholarship at Leibniz UniversityMay 2012
2011-2012 Who’s Who in American Universities and Colleges Award of the Angelo State UniversityAugust 2011 – August 2012
Carr Academic ScholarshipJuli 2011
German Academic Exchange Service
PROMOS Scholarship at Leibniz University