Focus Points in Research and Teaching
Ilka Brasch teaches US-American literature and film, with a focus on the literature of the early Republic (eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries) on the one hand and on film history in the first half of the twentieth century on the other. Her monograph Film Serials and the American Cinema, 1910-1940: Operational Detection appeared with Amsterdam UP in 2018. She currently works on a second book project that takes a material texts approach to H.H. Brackenridge's Modern Chivalry (1792-1815) and tracks its archival history. Her research on theories and practices of the archive combines insights from both areas of inquiry.
Together with Elena Furlanetto (University of Duisburg-Essen), Ilka Brasch directs the research network "Voices & Agencies: America and the Atlantic, 1600-1865" (2021-24, funded by the German Research Foundation).
Professional Career
2024-2025 (WS): Interim Professor of American Studies at the University of Hamburg
Since 2016: Assistant Professor in American Studies at Leibniz University Hannover
2013-2016: Research Assistant at Leibniz University Hannover in Prof. Dr. Ruth Mayers Subproject "Massenkultur in Serie: Populäre Film Serials und Strukturen des Seriellen in den USA, 1910-1940" as part of the DFG-Research Unit "Popular Seriality: Aesthetics and Practice" (Speaker: Prof. Dr. Frank Kelleter, FU Berlin).
July-September 2013: Student assistant at the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles)
2012-2013: Lecturer in American Studies at the English Department, Leibniz University
2024: Post-doctoral project, American Studies, Leibniz University Hannover (Post-doctoral project: „H. H. Brackenridge’s Modern Chivalry: Materiality, Archival History, Nation, & Empire“)
2017: PhD, American Studies, Leibniz University Hannover (Dissertation: "Operational Detection: Film Serials and the American Cinema, 1910-1940“)
M.A., Leibniz University Hannover (MA Thesis: "Instrument-Mediation and the Melodramatic Experience in Stella Dallas and Letter from an Unknown Woman." Advisors: Prof. Dr. Ruth Mayer und Dr. Shane Denson)2009
B.A., Leibniz University Hannover (BA Thesis: "Daisy Miller between Literary Text and Filmic Adaptation." Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ruth Mayer)2006-2011
Studies at Leibniz University Hannover2008-2009
"Mit Leibniz zu Bahlsen" - Extra Credit Program for Students of the Humanities to work in business and management -
Memberships and Offices
Co-Organizer (with Elena Furlanetto, Universität Duisburg-Essen) of the research network "Voices and Agencies: America and the Atlantic, 1600-1865" (2021-2024), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
German Association for American Studies (DGfA/ GAAS)
Society of Early Americanists (SEA)
Conference Organization
Modernities and Modernization in North America. Annual conference of the German Association of American Studies in Hannover, co-organized with Ruth Mayer, Annabel Friedrichs, Florian Groß, Anna-Lena Oldehus, Bettina Soller, and Alessja Zapadenska. June 2017.
International Conference Managing Mass Culture: Serialization, Standardization, and Modernity, 1880-1940. Co-organized with Ruth Mayer and Christina Meyer. Conference as part of the DFG-Subproject "Massenkultur in Serie", Leibniz University Hannover. Speakers: Amy Borden, Michael Chaney, Sabine Haenni, Scott Higgins, Frank Kelleter, Rob King and Kathleen Loock. Hannover, April 2015.
Organization of the Meeting of Doctoral Candidates in American Studies at Northern German Universities, co-organized with Anna-Lena Oldehus, Florian Groß, and Kirsten Twelbeck, May 2014.
"Imagining Media Change.” International Symposium (with preparatory film screenings and reading group sessions).Co-organized with Felix Brinker, Svenja Fehlhaber, Shane Denson, and Florian Groß. Event in the context of the initiative of interdisciplinary media research, Leibniz University Hannover. Keynote speakers: Jussi Parikka and Wanda Strauven. American Studies, Leibniz University Hannover. 13 Juni 2013.
“M: Movies, Machines, Modernity.” Film Series, co-organized with Shane Denson and Felix Brinker. Event in the context of the initiative of interdisciplinary media research, Leibniz University Hannover. November 2012 - January 2013.
Two-day workshop on "The Contemporary Novel." With Ruth Mayer and Ilka Brasch. Workshop with the authors Wolfram Fleischhauer and Gina Mayer, Hannover, July 2010.
Scholarships and Research Trips
February-April 2019: Visiting Researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, McNeil Center for Early American Studies.
2018: Fulbright American Studies Award
February and July/August 2015: Participation in the Mentoring Program of the DFG Research Unit "Popular Seriality: Aesthetics and Practice." Consultations with Sean O'Sullivan (Ohio State University), Scott Higgins (Wesleyan University) and Rob King (Columbia University).
März 2014: Research Trip to the George Eastman Film Archive in Rochester, NY.
2013: Dissertation Scholarship: Evangelisches Studienwerks Villigst
July-September 2013: Three-months stay as a Visiting Graduate Researcher at the University of California in Los Angeles.
May 2011: Four week research stay in Los Angeles. Research for the MA Thesis at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) and at the Margret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
2010-2011: Tuition Scholarship, Freundeskreis of the Leibniz University Hannover