From Winter 2022/23 onwards, our master's program will be called Master of North American Studies, and we will focus on the United States and Canada in a transnational context. Anglophone literatures and cultures will still be at the core of our concern. Students with a background in American or British Studies, or with a Bachelor of English are welcome to apply.
All new admissions will be for the Master of North American Studies program.
Advanced Anglophone Studies as a consecutive degree program was a joint venture of the British and the American Studies divisions in the English Seminar and was aimed at students with degrees in American Studies, British Studies, and other fields of literary or cultural studies. The program offered a broad variety of courses in American and British Studies, with a strong focus on New English Literatures, postcolonial and diaspora studies, gender studies, and the literatures of globalization. In addition, students were invited to work on media history and media theory, and to acquaint themselves with new trends in television studies, popular culture studies, and the studies of digital cultures. In fall 2022, this program transitioned into the new Masters of North American Studies.